Ancient African Beauty Rituals: Egypt + South Africa + Nigeria

1. Dry Brushing

Ancient Egyptians were known for their beauty rituals and were said to have used dry brushing techniques thousands of years ago. Dry brushing boosts circulation and exfoliates dead skin cells, leaving skin soft and glowing. It can also be helpful for ingrown hairs and Keratosis pilaris.


The Marble Body Brush by Gilded Body

2. Kalahari Melon Seed Oil

Kalahari melon is an ancestor of the common watermelon. The melon has been used for over 4,000 years by the San people of Southern Africa who would grind the seed into a paste to moisturize and protect their skin against the harsh desert climate. Today, you can use nutrient-rich Kalahari melon oil to nourish and protect your skin barrier. 


Nourishing Body Oil by Brown and Coconut

Ultra Hydrating Watermelon Seed Oil by Acure


3. Black Soap

African Black soap has its origins in Nigeria but has been widely used and produced in Ghana and other West African countries for centuries. The powerful cleanser is made from the ashes of plantain skin, cocoa pod, and palm leaves and has a high concentration of Vitamins A & E. It deeply cleanses and exfoliates, evens skin tone, and improves texture.


Authentic African Black Soap Bar by Alaffia